15 November 2016


Below you can find a list of hotels, B&B’s, hostels and campings.

If you don’t find what u are looking for, u can also surf to our accommodation guide, which is in fact a separate page for all matters concerning accommodation in Ghent or nearby.


Staying the night in Ghent? You’ve got nothing to worry about, because every licensed hotel meets the quality standards of the Flemish Tourist Accommodation decree. The number of stars awarded to a hotel (1 to 5) indicates the comfort level you can expect. 4-star hotels are first class establishments. You will also find luxury accommodation somewhere between a hotel and B&B in this category.


Many local residents welcome you in their own unique Bed & Breakfast, whether on the first floor of a mansion, in a suite with oriental influences or a cabin on the water. Often original, always hospitable. www.bedandbreakfast-gent.be


Looking for a budget-friendly place to stay in the city? All year round, you can stay in the De Draecke youth hostel or the Uppelinck and Backstay hostels, in the city centre or within walking distance of it. www.visit.gent.be (hostels)

Athletes can also stay in our rowing club hostels: www.krcg.be or www.krsg.be.


Camping Ghent’s 4-star campsite is located in the stunning Blaarmeersen Sports and Recreation Park, which covers no less than 10 hectares. As well as 206 100-sq.m. sites, 40 tent pitches and 35 motorhome pitches, you can also stay in one of the eight trekker’s lodges.Book by returning the completed booking form by email. Once you receive confirmation, your booking has been accepted. www.visit.gent.be (camping)